24 photos   1238 visits

member since 1 April 2011

For users deget

Hey:)What are you doing? I am so happy because I made account on this adress:)
this adress is very very nice!this users is amazing:X!
Thank you because believe in me(for people who believe in me)
I have little proofs,i know!...but I`m sorry..:(...
I`m little busy.evening between 7 and 11 are in the Internet.
I speak with you,my fans!
I love my fans!and please,if you do not believe me not leave bad comments on my page.please!comments will be removed


Hey!Ce faceti? Eu sunt atat de fericita pentru ca mi-am facut cont pe acest site:)
acest site este foarte,foarte dragut!acesti useri sunt superbi!
Va multumesc pentru ca voi credeti in mine!(pentru cei ce cred in mine)
Eu am putine dovezi,stiu!...dar scuze!:(..
Eu sunt putin ocupata.seara intre 7 si 11 sunt pe internet.
eu vorbesc cu voi,fanii mei!
Va iubesc fanii mei! si va rog,daca nu ma credeti nu lasati comentarii urate pe pagina mea.va rog!comentariile urate vor fi sterge!

Va multumesc:X

Comments • 1

xItsANewGenerationxD 8 April 2011  
Pfffoa` ... cel mai mare fake ejti ... fraieroo
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